Susan Grossey

I’ve forgotten how to do this

A while ago, in one of those masochistic moods when I thought I would never finish “Fatal Forgery”, I watched a documentary about the Scottish author Ian Rankin.  (I say masochistic because it is just cruel to hear about someone writing their 31st bound-to-be-bestseller when you’re struggling to finish your first little effort.)  One thing I was interested to learn about was his writing routine – not the day-to-day stuff about where he writes and what biscuits he eats, but the more over-arching structure of writing an entire book.  And it turns out that Mr Rankin is very regular.  Throughout the year he gathers newspaper clippings and articles and other bits and pieces that intrigue him and he puts them into a folder.  Each November, he gets out the folder and uses the material to help him write a very rough first draft of his novel – taking about eight weeks.  He then hones and edits and cuts and rewrites like a demon, finishing six months later with aforesaid next blockbuster.

I’m telling you all of this because, frankly, I need a routine.  As you know, I am now working on my next Sam Plank adventure – but I’ve forgotten how to do it!  As “Fatal Forgery” took me four years, I obviously need to streamline the process a bit.  I have already done lots of Regency research for that, so I’m starting from a good springboard, but what do I do now?  I have the basic plot in mind, and I’m gradually assembling my cast of characters, but in between the research I keep thinking of bits I would actually like to write.  Can I jump ahead like this, writing a paragraph here and there before I really know what’s going on?  Did I do that last time, or did I finish all of my research before putting pen to paper?  Perhaps I’ll have it cracked by the sixth Sam Plank adventure but for now, chaos.


  1. Roy McCarthy Avatar
    Roy McCarthy

    You’re not alone Susan I promise you 😦 I would say though, yes, capture those good ideas on paper before they slip away. It doesn’t matter that they make no sense in isolation. If they’re good enough then you’ll slot them in in due course.

  2. ihatemoneylaundering Avatar

    Thanks for the encouragement, Roy. I had a good day in the garden yesterday, interspersing some unrelated reading with dead-heading the flowers and – hurrah! – getting the outline plot for “Plank 2” jotted down. I’ve already decided on the twist in the tail, so now I can concentrate on the body in front of the tail.
    Best wishes from Susan

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